Summary: Seven U.S. cities, more than 250,000 people entered the competition, "American Idol" television program is not only super-ram is viewed as a draft wonders, there are tens of thousands of hopeful contestants, selected to sing in the sea the most distinguished and the worst audition; by the 10 million TV viewers cast their votes on their favorite, but many participants have become crowned as the U.S. Billboard chart-topping artists, including Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Andrew Ng, etc.; idols for the concert also brought millions of dollars in ticket sales, create more than 17 million CD sales! This program is specially selected Wonderful live concert highlights and hilarious, almost to tears Wonderful performances, showing the competition is doing to pay for fame! 1 to 4 classes full eight hours of selected content, High level has surpassed the Taiwan version of super turned the Avenue of Stars!